I graduated from The College for Creative Studies over 20 years ago. My professional career started only two years into school. I interned at Doner while taking 18 credit hours a semester. Going by the moto “I’ll sleep when I’m dead,” my approach for creative is more of a lifestyle than a job. Finding inspiration in everything around me, my experience in various sized agencies working on a diverse array of accounts makes me a jack-of-all-trades. From digital to traditional… no budget to big budget, I can spin a great idea out of anything. If all you can afford is construction paper and crayons, I will win you best in show. My trophy case is filled with awards from many ad ventures, including Michael Flora & Associates, where I worked on Commerica Bank, Enkei Wheels, Detroit Lions and The Somerset Collection. I’ve also held a bevy of positions at Campbell-Ewald, including the new business group, Chevy, and the digital group. In 2006, I received employee of the year and was given 100 shares of IPG stock that I still make roughly $7 a month on dividends. I joined a new, hip, boutique ad agency called Driven to sharpen my entrepreneurial skills as a Creative Director. My final transition was the biggest entrepreneurial test of all by creating and running my own satellite advertising agency, Spark Creative Solutions, where I encapsulate all of my 20 plus years of experience and relationships into creating an agency that’s based on great work and even better results. On my free time, that I rarely have, I like to design, fabricate and weld together metal art, furniture and wrench on hot rods and motorcycles.